Day #3 Keynote
Igor Minar Minko Gechev
Balancing DX & UX
- Web platform
- Uniquitous
- Accessible
- Malleable
- Evolving, yet stable
- Eosystem
- built with many tools / libs / patterns
- No one likes waiting
- DX vs UX -> UX and DX
- Angular’s goal
- Off to a good start with
ng new
- providing good default
- fast iteration cycle
- production optimization
- Ivy
- UX improvement: bundle size down
- DX improvements: build/test
- Analytics performance
- Use source-map-explorer (strongly recommended)
- instead of webpack-bundle-analyzer (tree-shaking issue)
- issues
- big CSS
- animations dependency
- Zone.js
- Perf tools
- LightHouse / web.dev/measure
- webpagetest.org/easy
- Use source-map-explorer (strongly recommended)
- Use 3rd Party: Responsibility
- Don’t use CJS/AMD libs
- Lazy load (almost) everything
<img loading="lazy">
- Stay up to date
ng update
- Most developers uses the latest
- Angular team exploring
- Better (stricter) defaults
- Dynamic component lazy loading (1st class support)
- warning/errors on common perf issues
- Under the hood cleanup
- improvements deferred for Ivy
- Angular balances UX and DX needs at scale!
The state of Angular deployment SSR Prerendering
- Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
- Since CGI: execute programs
- Each interaction needs page reload => Ajax
- TTI (Time to Interactive): request scripts
- Since Ajax
- Backbone and AngularJS
- Rich UX
- Users waiting for LCP/TTI
- Sometimes bundles cannot be smaller
- => Server side rendering
- CGI like approach
- Faster LCP
- Angular Universal project started
- => Server side rendering
- Angular Universal in crunchbase
- Using Angular universal in production
- Some pages took 20 secs to load
- SEO problem
- Challanges with Universal
- Change-refresh time
- Deployment
- v9 SSR
- Deployment
- automatically
deployment with Universal (canary)- using Firebase Function
- automatically
- Prerendering
- Rendering at build time instead of server runtime
- some site: < 2s for 800 pages
- JAMStack
- Universal prerendering
- Scully
The Control Container and I
Jennifer Wadella
- https://nookpos.web.app/
- creating reactive form
- how to change to multi-steps?
- form steps to routes
<form [formGroup]><router-outlet></form>
- Error:
formControlName must be used with parent formGroup directive
service - Inject ControlContainer via viewProviders in child step component
- Inject via providers in parent component
- how to get formControl instance?
- Inject via constructor in children
- it needs
in each child
- it needs
The Role of Effects in NgRx Authentication
Sam Julien
http://samj.im/ngconf-hardwired https://speakerdeck.com/samjulien/the-role-of-effects-in-ngrx-authentication
- Effects
- Decide when to call services
- Communicate with APIs
- Handle control flow logic
- Function as task runner
- Brain
- Common Struggles
- Actiions that only trigger effects
- as a task runner
- No-dispatching effects
- Complex effect
- Actiions that only trigger effects
- Log in Flow
- Pure Angular
- AuthService – Components
- NgRx way
- AuthService behind effects
- which parts is state change?
- user and token
- others are side-effects
- Pure Angular
action: start login- only trigger Effects + no dispatching
- Everything until changing state is side-effect
action- complex effect thenario
- Find the hidden side-effects
- One Effect handle one side-effect
Stepping Up: Observable Services to Observable Store
Dan Wahlin
- Store: Single Source of Truth
- Observable Store by codewithdan
Session #7 Q&A
Jennifer Wadella Sam Julien Dan Wahlin
The best 20 minute Angular & Firebase video you’ll ever see
David East
- angular + firebase full demonstration
State of RxJS
Ben Lesh
- RxJS goal
- utility library
- community growing
- 18M downloads / week
- v7 beta@next
- Improved Stability
- Partnered with Google’s g3 repo
- better TypeScript support
- N-argument inference
- New Functionality
- 7.1 and beyond
- Improved Stability
is deperecated-
- scheduler deprecated
- AsyncIterable support (generator)
- IxJS
- deprecate scheduler
subscribe(next, error, complete)next
only or observer object - same on
tap` - Reducing payload
- scheduler code was not tree-shaked
: Date orperformance
or … - 7.1
- ESLint transformations to migration
- New feature
etc. - Prepare for v8
- Removing deprecations
- 40% smaller
- Latest JS/TS
The State of NgRx
Mike Ryan
- State management
- Store / Router / DB
- Router = Angular Router
- NgRx DB doesn’t exist
- Store / Router / DB
- Store
- Growing
- 300+ Google Apps
- 100+ Contributors
- State / View / Data
- NgRx State
- store / effects / entity / …
- last year
- runtime checks: immutability / serializability / change detection
- NgRx Data
- NgRx State is not scalable for data-driven apps with 50+ entities
- NgRx Data: Abstract How to fetch data
- Independent on State
- NgRx View
- Rethink how change detection works for Angular apps
- Zone.js is the default
- Observable as a scheduler for CD
- AsyncPipe -> NgrxPush
- Push Pipe will schedule CD on value push
- NgIf -> NgrxLet
- Unwrap Observable and run CD
- Future
- Manage component local state
Session #8 Q&A
David East Ben Lesh Mike Ryan
Resilient Angular Testing – Jaw dropping magic tricks by the magnificent Shairezniko
Shai Reznik
- TestAngular.com
- 3rd party libs
- Adapter pattern
- abstract 3rd party lib
- External integrtion test
- Don’t mock external library
- Adapter pattern
- verbose spec
- Wrap HttpClient for spying
- Don’t mock what you don’t own
Angular Language Service: What’s New
Keen Yee Liau
- Main features
- Tooltip (Quick info)
- Jump to definition
- Complettion
- Diagnostic
- Syntax highlight
- declarations
- LSP (Language Server Protocol
- VSCode
- Eclipse
- Emacs
- Vim
- Future
- integrate with Ivy compiler
- consistent diagnostics
- strictTemplates
- refactoring
- integrate with Ivy compiler
Non-Server Side Story: When JAMstack met Angular
Divya Tagtachian Tara Z. Manicsic
- JAMstack
- Cycle: Build -> Generate -> Deploy
- Angular JAMstack
- using netlify Scully
ng add netlify-schematics
The Makings of Scully
Sander Elias
- speed up your app
- Less to no deps on API servers
- Easy to host
- Can make JS optional
- Add Scully
ng add
- Community Plugin system
Session #9 Q&A
Shai Reznik Keen Yee Liau Divya Tagtachian Tara Z. Manicsic Sander Elias