Domain-Driven Design and Angular
Manfred Steyer
- How to create sustainable Angular architecture with ideas from DDD.
- Not to create tiny app in quickly
- Strategic Design: Decomposing System -> Design <===
- Tactical Design: Design Pattern + Practice -> Design
- Example: e-Procurement System
- Subdomains
- Catalog
- Approval
- Ordering
- Specification
- Subdomains
- Domains dependency
- Protecting from breaking change
- Shared Kernal: Bad
- everyone be responsible === no one be responsible
- API Approach
- Each domain has its own API
- Shared Kernal: Bad
- Communicate over subdomains
- Monorepo
- Each subdomain has its own Lib project
- Protecting from framework version conflict
- No burden with publishing libs (internal libs)
- Share lib to other apps/companies via npm
- Each subdomain has its own Lib project
- Domain has features
- Feature = Smart Usecase Components
- Composing Dumb UI Components
- Access restriction via API
- Domain -> Application / Domain Model / Infrastructure
- Domain models / Infrastructue don’t know about state management
- Layering options
- All options restrict accesses between layers.
- Exported APIs are all public
- Catalog
- Use tsconfig paths
- Can change index entrypoint ts to customize app
- for customer-A
- Can change index entrypoint ts to customize app
- Access to other domain
- Only shared utils or APIs
- Restricting with Lint
- Project Type Rule
- Domain dependency rules + module type dependency rules
- Affected modules
- test / build only affected projects
- Adding lib
- Facade and State Management
- in Domain lib
- behind Facades
- Facade
- Observable fields
- start from BehaviorSubject
- Store library on demand
- Observable fields
- Automation
ng g @angular-architects/ddd:{domain,feature}
Stronger Type-Checking in Templates with Ivy
Alex Rickabaugh
- similar to
- similar to
- Outline
- in v8
- Basic / fullTemplateTypeCheck
- Basic
is ignored - Full
- Ivy improvements
- ngFor loop
- v8
is typed asany
- strict
- v8
- Inputs
- v8
is not type-checked - Problem with non-null input with
| async
- strict
- v8
- ngFor loop
- $event
- Safe navigation
- v8: runtime error
- Ignored after
- Ignored after
- strict
- check correctly
- v8: runtime error
- Migration
- Try strict and see the errors
- Fix these!
- Enable strict mode
strictInputTypes: false
- for compatible with libraries with wrong types
- for compatible with libraries with wrong types
strictAttributeTypes: false
- with custom-elements without types
- Other flagls
strictSafeNavigationTypes: false
strictOutputEventTypes: false
strictDomEventTypes: false
- How it works
- convert Template -> TypeScript
- Generate type-checking Code
- Creating check function -> validate with context
- check with
if (ngTemplateContextGuard())
- type check compiled template function
Facing the music when millions of daily users hit after every release
Vishal Kumar
- Build it scalable
- Physically Separate apps
- easy to maintenance and ownership
- Micro-frontend architecture
- Isolated mini apps
- iframes
- custom elements
- library components
- Load balancing
- Physically Separate apps
- Effective content management
- headless CMS
- Business/Marketing control
- No deploy
- full control presentation
- multiple UIs
- performance
- headless CMS
- Error tracking
- Testing automation
- Cross browsers
- Load testing
- Bug tracking
- Client side error logging
- Application Monitoring
- Alerts on error
- Alerts on response time
- Alerts on behavior anomaly
- Testing automation
- BFF layer
- Integrate
- Process business logic and validate
- Avoid using client CPU
- Minimize data
- Feature Toggle
- safe launch
- A/B Testing
- Usage tracking
- Quick improvement
Getting through the awkwardness of networking
Wesley Faulkner
- People difference and networking
- Basics
- Eye contact
- Listening
- Smile
- Follow on journey
Session #4 Q&A
Manfred Steyer Alex Rickabaugh Vishal Kumar Wesley Faulkner
From Google Analytics to Universal deploy schematics!
James Daniels
- Firebase for Web
- Google Analytics
- Angularfire
- v6.0 stable!
- Analytics
- Integrated with Angular Router
- Performance Monitor
- network performance
pipe for async task
- RemoteConfig
- Hosting + Functions
- Angular Univesal app
ng deploy --preview
- Lightweight lazy modules
- wrapper for Firebase JS SDK
- automatically improve performance
Revisiting a Reactive Router with Ivy
Brandon Roberts
- AngularJS router
- ui-router
- Angular 2 (Beta)
- Promises
- Tree of routers
by Victor Savkin- to Angular Router
- Ivy enables the dream
- Observable In -> OUt
- Stream of URL change
- Stearms of informations
- What do we need?
- History Web API
- Router (global data)
- Stream of URL changes
- URL Parser
- Query Params/Hash
- Register routes
- Matcher
- Renderer
- History API
- URL Change / Push state
- Angular
- URL Parser
Web API- Path
- QueryParams
- Hash
new URL(location)
<ngrx-route [path] [component]>
- Lazy Loading
<ngrx-route [path] [loadComponent]="() => import()">
A Journey into the World Of Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js
Aaron Ma
- 11 yo tensorflow contributor!
- First AI-powered Doodle
- In-Browser ML
- No installs
- Interactive
- Secure
- In-Browser ML
- Angular + ML-powered Web App
- Traditional vs ML
- Focus on code vs data
- Tensorflow.js
- Tensor: Array
- Multiple Backends
- WebGPU coming soon
- extensions
- ml5.js
- Demo:
Session #5 Q&A
James Daniels Brandon Roberts Aaron Ma
Bazel + Angular Today
Jorge Cano
- Bazel Starter kit
- Bazel today
- v1.0
- Google monorepo is built with Blaze
- More Reproducible
- Scalable
- Builds up to 10x faster
- Prior arts
ng build
-> builder ->build-angular:browser
- Custom Builders
- Nx
- Scaling problem
- Bazel v1.5
- working on v2.0 branch
Debugging Like a Boss with Angular 9
Anthony Humes
- Demo
global APIs
Craig Spence
- Introduce
type andnever
type - Conditional Types
A Whole New Way to Build Ivy Apps ⚡️
Eric Simons
- StackBlitz
- 2020
- Themes
- Auto-import
- Zen mode
- 2020
- Angular 9.1.0 + Enable Ivy
- on-prem enterprise support
- Desktop PWA
Session #6 Q&A
Jorge Cano Anthony Humes Craig Spence Eric Simons