lacolaco's marginalia

Angular: Test Reactiveness with OnPush strategy

OnPush change detection strategy can test “reactiveness” of an Angular application. Using OnPush is not neccessary to remove Zone.js, but reactiveness is still important in the zone-less world. Removing Zone.js brings both control and responsibility about application rendering to a developer. It is not recommendable for everyone. So before doing that, understand how much Angular and Zone.js have been helping us enough.

Things Zone.js does

Simply, what Zone.js (Zone) does is just firing events to Angular in order to run change detection. It means Zone itself does not detect changes. Change detection is Angular’s job. Zone just tells Angular when it should run change detection.

Technically, Zone patches some of Browser APIs like setTimeout, Promise and XHR to hook into async tasks and fire its events. Angular listens the events and run change detection on after each async task. As the result, Angular application can re-render component templates after setTimeout.

Learn more:

So, after removing Zone, Angular cannot know when it should run change detection. Angular won’t re-render any components unless explicit triggering. Who have to does it? Of course, a developer.

Triggering Change Detection manually

Without Zone, there is a bit difference in how to use ChangeDetectorRef.

  • markForCheck() does NOT trigger change detection.
  • detectChanges() triggers change detection immediately.

Because markForCheck() can just mark the component for the next change detection, re-rendering never happens unless someone triggers it. But detectChanges() is exactly an API for trigger change detection. So without Zone, developers can call detectChanges() when they want to re-rendering. All done! yay!

😓 “Too many detectChanges()!!”

But sadly, regular Angular applications are not ready for Zone-less. You may have to write too many detectChanges() in a lot components or other places.

It is because the application’s reactiveness is not high. Reactiveness means how much the Angular application can react the state changes. As you know, using observables and AsyncPipe is a common pattern which can make the app reactive.

Here is a great talk about reactive Angular by Mike Ryan.

To build reactive Angular app, immutability and passiveness of components are strongly important. And before removing Zone, artificially we can test these with OnPush change detection strategy.

OnPush strategy

OnPush is one of the change detection behavior. That brings some restriction to an application. Every components won’t be checked in change detection flow unless it has been pushed. What the push? Great articles are here;

Shortly, the following things can push a component.

  1. Input changes: passing new value to the @Input() property within the template.
  2. DOM events: dispatching a native DOM events in its template.
  3. Marking: calling ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck() from a directive/component.

From OnPush-full to Zone-less

If an application works well even all components has been configured as OnPush, it has a great reactiveness. There are some steps to removing Zone from there.

For example, this component can be used with OnPush because it uses state$ and AsyncPipe and its template is completely depending on the stream. AsyncPipe calls markForCheck when the observable emits new value. So after calling count(), this component will be re-rendered.

  template: `
    <ng-container *ngIf="state$ | async as state">
    <button (click)="count()">Counter {{ state.counter }}</button>
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class CounterComponent {
  private readonly stateSubject = new BehaviorSubject({
    counter: 1,
  readonly state$ = this.stateSubject.asObservable();

  count() {
    const prev = this.stateSubject.value;{ ...prev, counter: prev.counter + 1 });

Because that re-rendering is triggered by markForCheck, still it needs Zone. Setting NoopZone in main.ts, the counter won’t work on click.

platformBrowser().bootstrapModule(AppModule, { ngZone: 'noop'});

To fixing this, call detectChanges() on state changes. Adding a line to click() method is easy but it is not reactive way. Let’s make state$ can trigger change detection. tap() operator is added to state$ observable to call detectChanges() after each change. setTimeout() is needed to defer it till AsyncPipe handles the change.

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }

  private readonly stateSubject = new BehaviorSubject({
    counter: 1,
  readonly state$ = this.stateSubject.asObservable().pipe(
    // Reactive way
    // Trigger change detection after each change
    tap(() => setTimeout(() => this.cdRef.detectChanges()))

  count() {
    const prev = this.stateSubject.value;{ ...prev, counter: prev.counter + 1 });
    // Imperative way
    // this.cdRef.detectChanges()

If you are familier to Ivy’s experimental secret APIs, use ɵmarkDirty instead.

readonly state$ = this.stateSubject.asObservable().pipe(
    tap(() => ɵmarkDirty(this))

It works well! But… wait! Why we have to trigger change detection manually is AsyncPipe doesn’t do that. If AsyncPipe can do that, we are free from detectChanges(). Let’s replace AsyncPipe by another solution.

Pipe and detectChanges()

This is the simplest alternative. Making a pipe similar to AsyncPipe but call detectChanges() insteat of markForCheck().

NgRx team are proposing a RFC about ngrx/components package and it says about that.

RFC: Component: Proposal for a new package `component` · Issue #2052 · ngrx/platform

Push Pipe

There is not the implementation yet but it is not difficult to built the pipe by yourself.

// Simple Implementation
  name: 'push',
  pure: false
export class PushPipe<T> implements PipeTransform {
  constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }

  observable: Observable<T> | null = null;
  subscription: Subscription;
  lastValue: T | null = null;

  transform(observable: Observable<T>): T {
    if (this.observable !== observable) {
      if (this.subscription) {
      this.subscription = observable.subscribe(value => {
        this.lastValue = value;
        setTimeout(() => this.cdRef.detectChanges());
    return this.lastValue;

By the way, Pipes have a problem for handling asynchronous data. Read previous post “Initial Null Problem of AsyncPipe and async data-binding” for the detail.


  • Zone is telling Angular when it should run change detection.
  • Without Zone, a developer have to do that instead of Zone.
  • Both OnPush and Zone-less require reactiveness of an application.
  • OnPush-full application can go forward for Zone-less with less effort.

Example app for this arcticle is avaiable on ng-run:

